venerdì 13 marzo 2009

the new and fresh and "crashy" amarok is ready,
fedora, ubuntu and other distributions made it the default version.

in gentoo 64 (amd64) there are some problems to build:
the first dependency is mysql compiled with -fPIC.
than the error compiling qmetatype.h make it impossible.

the steps:
- remove "ssl" use flag from mysql (incopatible with -fPIC)
- add
CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -msse3 -DPIC -fPIC"
CXXFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -msse3 -DPIC -fPIC"
to /etc/portage/env/dev-db/mysql

- emerge --oneshot mysql
- add the spitfire overlay to layman
layman -f -o spitfire-overlay
- update-eix
- look for the latest version of amarok in the added overlay:
eix amarok
- reset uses for amarok:
-ifp -mp3tunes -mp4 -mtp -njb -opengl -semantic-desktop -daap -ipod
- merge that version:
emerge '=media-sound/amarok-2.0.2-r1' --oneshot

if it compiles, add one per time the use flags you need.